Educational Outreach


The objectives of this TAME component are to:

TAME Education Outreach will utilize several strategies to achieve our objectives. These include:

  1. Conducting field tours of our demonstration sites. These site tours will provide visual, real-world examples of the effects resulting from different Maleleuca control strategies and will be utilized between 2004 and 2006. Site visits can also include hands-on training. To schedule a field tour, contact Michael Meisenburg.
  2. Systematically videotaping and annually photographing the demonstration areas to document vegetative changes. This visual archive will be used to supplement oral presentations about the project at meetings, conferences and symposia held outside the project area.
  3. Presenting updates on research findings and program developments at annual symposia such as include the Annual Exotic Plant management Workshop (at the Florida Panther NWR) and the annual conference of Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council (at various locations around the state).
  4. Maintaining this web site.


A complete list of team members is available by going to the Contacts page from the left hand menu.

Commercial Applicator Slideshow  (In this slideshow, you will see how commercial applicators treat melaleuca trees with herbicide.)

Homeowners Slideshow (In this slideshow, you will see how homeowners treat melaleuca)

Project Coordinator: Cressida Silvers (
(Click here for more information...)
Photo Gallery


South Florida Water Management District