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Did you know that some kids have a hard time eating chicken fingers, hot dogs, and pizza? Their bodies don’t like these foods and eating them can make them very sick. These kids have PKU, or Phenylketonuria (fen-il-key-ten-U-re-a).

Kids with PKU can’t eat chicken fingers and hot dogs because these foods have phenylalanine or Phe. Their bodies can’t get rid of phenylaline and it makes then sick. But did you also know that kids with PKU can have popsicles and jelly beans and fruit? If you have PKU this website is just for you! It has lots of fun games to help you learn about PKU and how to stay healthy!

Fun Stuff

  • Learn what foods to buy playing Check Out!
  • Test your brain power with Memory Match!
  • Try out different menus and meals on the Phemeter!
  • Blow up bad foods playing Food Zap!

Play the Game

What would happen if you were watching TV and, all of a sudden, an Alien popped out of the screen and into your living room? What would you do?! In The Adventures of Poe and Parker, you will get the chance to help Poe, the naughty alien from the Peaceful Kingdom of Urhealthia, get back home! But don't worry, you won't be alone. Presto, the Kind and Understanding Wizard, will be there to give you tips along the way. Ready? Set? Go!!