5596 Western Way
Lake Worth, FL 33463
Conceptual outline for Crawford TAME Melaleuca Demonstration site
There are four categories of proposed control methods: untreated control, biological control, mechanical /chemical control, and conventional control.
If space allows, a total of three 1x1 meter seedling recruitment plots will be established. Seedlings that arise in each plot during the project will receive one of the following treatments:
Untreated control: A small section of trees will be protected from the biological control agents (with insecticide) and otherwise left untreated (no herbicides or mechanical removal).
Biological control: A combination of weevils and psyllids will be released.
Mechanical and Chemical control: Stump treatments will be implemented. Trees will be cut down and chipped for mulch, except in one small area where a few will be left stacked and unstacked. Remaining stumps will be treated with:
Conventional control: In a technique known as hack-n-and-squirt, the trees will be girdled and herbicide will be applied to the trunk. This demonstrates what a small landowner or homeowner may expect if melaleuca removal is contracted through a private company.