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Small Containers

Container Selection

plant production area

About two hours after irrigation, select from the plant production area 3-5 representative test plants or multiple plant trays for sampling. Time following irrigation may vary but it is important for the container substrate to equilibrate and drain completely, yet hold the maximum amount of irrigation water. The results obtained from the plants selected should be representative of plants in the production area. Hence, consistent procedures are necessary each time sampling is done.

plant on an inverted container
plant on an inverted container

Each test plant or multiple plant tray selected is temporarily removed from its location in the plant production area and placed on a device to elevate the container over and inside a reservoir. Here you can see an example of a single test plant placed above an inverted container.

multiple plant tray on a PVC pipe ring
multiple plant tray on a PVC pipe ring

A PVC pipe ring can also be used to elevate the container.

multiple plant tray on a PVC pipe ring

Here you can see an example of a multiple plant tray placed on a PVC pipe ring. Keep in mind that there is no need to clean or wipe bottom or sides of containers for this may dislodge salt deposits and debris.

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