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Interpret the Results
The interpretation of results depends upon the grower's objective or reason for testing.
One reason to test is to ensure that optimal concentrations of nutrients are maintained in the substrate. If optimal concentrations are maintained, then it is unlikely that nutrient deficiencies will occur. Optimal concentrations for specific nutrients are given in a table linked below. However:
- Optimal electrical conductivities for woody ornamentals grown outdoors or under shade are 1.0 to 1.5 deciSiemens per meter or millimhos per centimeter. (View Table)
Plant nutrient requirements can vary according to genera and other environmental factors so some judgment based on experience is best.
Another reason to test is to fulfill the substrate-monitoring requirement for compliance with the interim measure for Florida producers of container-grown plants. Optimal nitrate nitrogen concentrations are given in a table linked below. However:
- Optimal electrical conductivities for woody ornamentals grown outdoors or under shade are 0.8 to 1.5 deciSiemens per meter or millimhos per centimeter. (View Table)