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Suction lysimeter

A cylindrical hollow rigid tube with a 0.5 bar porous tip on one end will be used to remove liquid from the large containers. This hollow rigid tube is called a suction lysimeter For the following procedure, a lysimeter 24 inches long and 2 inches in diameter will be placed in the container substrate. The lysimeter will receive a vacuum forcing the liquid in the container substrate to move through the porous tip to the inside of lysimeter. The liquid sample is then removed from the lysimeter through a black flexible tubing in a rubber stopper on the opposite end of the porous tip.
Lysimeter Location

First, select 3 to 5 large containers that are representative of plants in the production area. Afterwards, place a lysimeter inside the container substrate
The results obtained from the containers sampled should be representative of all plants in the production area being considered. However, sample plants must be similar in terms of age and cultural practices used in the nursery in order to be representative of their production area.

For example, plants that are grown in plastic bottom containers should be sampled separately from plants that are grown in containers with porous bottom.