
Instructional Content Design

Multimedia Design

Web Site Design

Graphic Design

Web Page Style

Web Page Layout

Web Usability

Navigation Checklist

The following checklists were developed by the Joint ADL Co-Lab for the purpose of evaluating instructional web sites.

Site you are evaluating

Your Email

Instructional Designer

  1. The overall navigational structure was defined early and the flow relationships were sketched out, either using a flow-charting tool or a simple paper-and-pencil sketch.
  2. Yes No Not Applicable

  3. The navigation hierarchy is as flat as practical (there are no more than five levels).
  4. Yes No Not Applicable

  5. The navigation framework of the site is clear and visible. Users can navigate easily through the presentation and resume their structured browsing without confusion.
  6. Yes No Not Applicable

  7. The navigation elements are represented consistently across the site. A representation formula was designed and applied to all the navigation elements in the site.
  8. Yes No Not Applicable

  9. The navigational elements are clear and the user can infer its function from its appearance. Their appearance assists users to understand that the purposes of the elements are for navigating through the presentation.
  10. Yes No Not Applicable

  11. Navigation aids are used such as: titles, headings, signal words, illustrations, analogies, metaphors, overviews of the structure, advance organizers, introductions, lists of contents, backtracking, text- and time marks, sneak preview (information about the destination of a link), bookmarks, history lists, indexes, guided tours, embedded menus, tables of contents, filtering, and search engines.
  12. Yes No Not Applicable

  13. Navigational elements are designed to keep the user focused on relevant tasks within the environment while options available are also suggested.
  14. Yes No Not Applicable

  15. Each page of the environment shows the user clearly and in a consistent way where he or she is.
  16. Yes No Not Applicable

  17. Each page of the environment shows the user in a consistent way how he or she got there.
  18. Yes No Not Applicable

  19. If the users are novices who need to learn and apply a new language, keyword searching is not used.
  20. Yes No Not Applicable

  21. The navigation and content are coupled tightly. (I.e. If the amount of content doubled, the navigation pages should have also doubled in size).
  22. Yes No Not Applicable

  23. For moderate to larger sites, a number of submenu pages are used in case the user enters from a general category listing on the home page.
  24. Yes No Not Applicable

  25. Next/previous page links for linear Web document structures are used.
  26. Yes No Not Applicable

Web Developer

  1. Visual feedback is used that confirms when actions are initiated and completed by the user.
  2. Yes No Not Applicable

  3. Going to landmark pages is easy.
  4. Yes No Not Applicable

  5. Each page shows which sub-site it belonged to and its current location within the site organization.
  6. Yes No Not Applicable

  7. Default colors for links and visited links are consistent.
  8. Yes No Not Applicable

  9. The current state of the system is made easy to evaluate. Feedback is given to help the user know what is going on.
  10. Yes No Not Applicable

  11. Button functions are obvious and links are underlined.
  12. Yes No Not Applicable

  13. Navigation controls are provided.
  14. Yes No Not Applicable

  15. There are no dead-end pages. Every Web page contains at least one link.
  16. Yes No Not Applicable

  17. Navigational aids such as "Return to Top", "Return to Table of Contents" are used.
  18. Yes No Not Applicable

  19. Every page of the site includes site title, author, affiliations, revision date or time stamp, links to next or previous page in sequence, and a link to the home or main page.
  20. Yes No Not Applicable

  21. If an internally linked table of contents was used, it is placed directly below the banner, so it appears on the first screen.
  22. Yes No Not Applicable

  23. Any long pages which requires 3 Page Up's or 3 Page Down's, top-of-page and bottom-of-page internal anchor links with navigation buttons were used.
  24. Yes No Not Applicable

  25. Page up/down/fwd/back icon conventions that are used on levels 1 and 2 are used.
  26. Yes No Not Applicable

  27. "Under construction" images or "watch this space" wording is not used. The links (or unlinks) were not constructed until the content was ready and in place.
  28. Yes No Not Applicable


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