
Instructional Content Design

Multimedia Design

Web Site Design

Graphic Design

Web Page Style

Web Page Layout

Web Usability

Tutorial Checklist

The following checklists were developed by the Joint ADL Co-Lab for the purpose of evaluating instructional web sites.

Site you are evaluating

Your Email


  1. Activities are included that engage the learner in the content material.
  2. Yes No Not Applicable

  3. To increase student collaboration, bulletin boards, instant messengers, chat rooms, or emails are used.
  4. Yes No Not Applicable

  5. Email addresses are provided so learners can email assignments and report problems or questions.
  6. Yes No Not Applicable

  7. Interactive feedback is used to enhance learning.
  8. Yes No Not Applicable

  9. Learners are provided with access to people (real or simulated) when needing assistance.
  10. Yes No Not Applicable

  11. Learners are provided with opportunities to enter extended answers within the software, which may then be sent to the instructor.
  12. Yes No Not Applicable

  13. Elaboration techniques are embeded into the instruction which prompt the learner to link to new information, or requests that they paraphrase or expand on the presented information.
  14. Yes No Not Applicable

  15. Questions are presented often and following a unit of content.
  16. Yes No Not Applicable

  17. Questions relay either positive or negative feedback once the learner submits an answer.
  18. Yes No Not Applicable

  19. Opportunities for interaction are provided every 3-5 screens.
  20. Yes No Not Applicable

  21. Case scenarios, or interactive experiments are used to enhance problem-solving exercises.
  22. Yes No Not Applicable

  23. Cyber-groups are used to facilitate collaborative problem solving.
  24. Yes No Not Applicable

Learner Control

  1. The appropriate amount of contol is provided to the learners when they encounter playable files or animated files.
  2. Yes No Not Applicable

  3. Advisement on the different choices of learner control is given to the learner.
  4. Yes No Not Applicable

  5. The learner's level of expertise is considered when providing them with control options.
  6. Yes No Not Applicable

  7. The table of contents is created as a series of links to improve the learners’ control over content and sequence.
  8. Yes No Not Applicable

  9. New concepts contain as much required informationas possible and learners can filter out unwanted information. However, if the tutorial reinforces concepts previously learned, then links to more information is provided.
  10. Yes No Not Applicable

  11. Activities that provide learner control are used to encourage reflection and metacognition.
  12. Yes No Not Applicable

  13. Learner control is provided to increase active learning.
  14. Yes No Not Applicable

  15. A range of navigational opportunities are povided so the learner can chose their own style of learning.
  16. Yes No Not Applicable

  17. The site provides navigational features that help users to move within the design originally envisioned by the author, but give users the freedom not to use the navigation features.
  18. Yes No Not Applicable

  19. Learners have control over text density.
  20. Yes No Not Applicable

  21. A map of the presentation is provided, and a graphical map has a text alternative.
  22. Yes No Not Applicable

Individualized Instruction

  1. Generative learning techniques are included so the learners can relate new information to their existing knowledge.
  2. Yes No Not Applicable

  3. Prior achievement is used as a predictor when adapting material.
  4. Yes No Not Applicable

  5. The learners' prior knowledge is taken into consideration when incorporating interactive multimedia.
  6. Yes No Not Applicable

  7. Personalization of materials is used to increase the interest value and meaningfulness of material.
  8. Yes No Not Applicable

  9. The instruction is made more meaningful to the learner by using some of the following: identifying the learner by name, assigning a name to the computer, using relevant examples, or integrating background information as strategies.
  10. Yes No Not Applicable

  11. Assessments and procedures are built in to the instruction to match technology resources with learner needs.
  12. Yes No Not Applicable

  13. Field test are used to test the technology with a variety of students in a variety of settings.
  14. Yes No Not Applicable

Multiple Learning Paths

  1. The same set of objectives is used for each version of instructional material, methods, and schedules offered to the learner.
  2. Yes No Not Applicable

  3. Appropriate analyses are used to specify instructional objectives.
  4. Yes No Not Applicable

  5. A course map diagram is used to show alternative paths for mastering these objectives.
  6. Yes No Not Applicable

  7. A criterion-referenced test is constructed based on instructional objectives, and learners can take them repeatedly.
  8. Yes No Not Applicable

  9. Multiple resources are used for the collection of instructional material.
  10. Yes No Not Applicable

  11. An administrative system for tracking, training, and certifying trainees is designed.
  12. Yes No Not Applicable

Instructional Strategies

  1. A standard instructional strategy is prepared for each type of learning.
  2. Yes No Not Applicable

  3. A systematic method is used to decide what the various components of the tutorial will be and the Web tools that are effective for the types of learning.
  4. Yes No Not Applicable


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Developed by M.Pineros