
Instructional Content Design

Multimedia Design

Web Site Design

Graphic Design

Web Page Style

Web Page Layout

Web Usability

Type Checklist

The following checklists were developed by the Joint ADL Co-Lab for the purpose of evaluating instructional web sites.

Site you are evaluating

Your Email

Instructional Designer

  1. Type is contrasted sharply with background color.
  2. Yes No Not Applicable

  3. Bold, italics, and blinking are used sparingly and for effect.
  4. Yes No Not Applicable

  5. Cramming the page with dense text is avoided.
  6. Yes No Not Applicable

  7. All-uppercase headings are avoided.
  8. Yes No Not Applicable

  9. Downstyle (capitalize only the first word, and any proper nouns) is used for headlines and subheads.
  10. Yes No Not Applicable

  11. Bold and capitalization of the initial letters are used for document titles, references to other Web sites, for titles of documents referred to within the text, and for proper names, product names, and trade names.
  12. Yes No Not Applicable

  13. Downstyle of bold and capitalization of the first word only is used for subheadings, references to other headings within the style manual, for figure titles, and for lists.
  14. Yes No Not Applicable

  15. Repeating patterns through carefully organized pages of text and graphics enhances the overall legibility of the pages.
  16. Yes No Not Applicable

  17. Heading styles and subtitles are used consistently to organize the content when necessary.
  18. Yes No Not Applicable

  19. All type is flush left.
  20. Yes No Not Applicable

Web Developer

  1. Underbars "_", spaces or any other special characters are used sparingly.
  2. Yes No Not Applicable

  3. Headline 1 tag is used sparingly and Headline 2 and 3 are used to define subheadings.
  4. Yes No Not Applicable

  5. The most widely used typefaces for operating systems and browsers are specified, or multiple fonts in the "FACE" attribute are specified as alernatives.
  6. Yes No Not Applicable


Once you hit submit, the survey will be emailed directly to the CITT Instructional Designer in charge of this account. Please only click Submit once.

Developed by M.Pineros